I'm not gonna hold anyone hostage with a massive post. Just gonna start slow, and drop off a few noted feelings and lies I might have told myself. So, here it is. 1 of my 30/30 collection, short of two days. Enjoy:
You are getting away with it/
I want you to know that/
The next couple of text messages you answer giggling
will smell like middle school mascots
And sound like backyard end zones/
You won't have to worry about speed/
You won't have to worry about shoving your palm, into my face on the way out to the driveway/
No ones gonna stop you/
All they will do is watch you/
Don't be coy
Don't be the idiot that spends weeks trying to master the arcade games on Shen Mu/
Brick on top of brick/
I should've never told you this morning/ what birds of a feather do
Now, my shit twitches on some of my flyer days/
But you won't have to worry/
This piece is our secret/
This piece is solely between me and the you you grabbed by the collar bone/ and woke into reality/
But I fell asleep with my arms wrapped around her/
This piece will never reach the light of day/
It won't even take all morning for me to hide it/
Let alone finish/
This is a quick thought/
On the way to religious/
15 push-ups, with my hands in 'u' formation/
Crazy cause/
The harder it gets to push away,
The more rewarding it is to see what is beneath me/
I realized you/
Aren't getting away/
Just watching me expand my vanish point, so you click your heels/
Not together/
But up and down/ to pretend that the rocks you are kicking are from the moon/
Well keep sliding baby/
In fact, could you move a little faster/ toward the east/
You are blocking the center of my universe/
It won't be dark here, for long/
And I don't need to be distracted by some bitch/
Whose shots are only called when she hits the switch/
If dig deep enough/
If I look hard enough/
If I scream loud enough/
I will taste the brilliance boiling up from my gut/
There was never switch/
I am the light of my life/
I lied/
This is not about you/
It is about face, and March will be over soon/
You were right/
I do burn across the galaxy instead of lighting for myself, alone/
Bitch, I'm the Sun/
Real friends are like planets/
We're all dizzy from taking shots in the dark and carrying the weight on our shoulders/
But when one of us shines/
All of us become colorful/
We are a beautiful rainbow of confusion/ and all you will ever know is how lonely it is to glow/
White is a shade/
I'll allow you to parade/
Around the little backyard you call getting away
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